The best ways of paying for your JetMail key If you have a local JetMail Support Site you should contact HIM how to transfer the money to him. If not, these are some tips how to get the 45DM or 35US$ transfered to the authors to get the full key for JetMail if you have no local Support Site who transfers the money for you: o Make all cheques and postal money orders payable to Daniel R”sen. o Send the cheques, postal money orders or cash to: Daniel R”sen Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 24 56182 Urbar Germany The best ways to send your money are: o International postal order You have to go to your post office to cash them. Don't use this method if you live outside Europe 'cause this method isn't reliable outside Europe. Better use the next: o EuroCheque Because EuroCheques are guaranteed by the bank, your full key will be sent to you directly after the Cheque arrives here. Please send 5DM more because of the costs of the transfer. o Direct bank transfer Inside Germany, the best way is to transfer the money using direct giro transfer to the following account: Daniel R”sen Kto. 122 420 201 BLZ 570 501 20 Sparkasse Koblenz o Central Shareware Registration Point If you live in The Netherlands, you should contact the CSRP. See REGISTER.NL for further information. There are also demo keys available. They can currently only be issued by the authors. The demo key runs out after three weeks. That is enought time to test JetMail six weeks and to pay for the key. After the authors got the money the full unlimited JetMail key will be sent out to you. ATTENTION: Please ask the support site BEFORE you transfer money if they participate in this system of distributing keys!